. Magazine des employés de Baltimore et de l'Ohio . à Montchanin, en Del.nos forces de bureau se sont préparées rapidement pour la présentation et les adieux. À fiveoclock p. M., M. Evans a été le récipiendaire d'un très fin emblème de fraternité GOM anneau, une boîte de livres de bonbons et un énorme bouquetof fleurs. M. Hamilton, du département des CashiersDepartment, a de nouveau été prié de faire la présentation. M. Hamilton a parlé des qualités remarquables de M. Evans et de ses trois caractéristiques, à savoir: Celles d'être homme Amans, homme Womans et homme de COM-panys. Dans un effort de pa :Ly relieveles sentiments tendus de la litt
1482 x 1685 px | 25,1 x 28,5 cm | 9,9 x 11,2 inches | 150dpi
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. Baltimore and Ohio employees magazine . at Montchanin, Del.Promptly our office forces prepared for aparting presentation and farewell. At fiveoclock p. m., Mr. Evans was the recipient ofa very fine fraternity emblem goM ring, afive pound box of candies and a huge bouquetof flowers. Mr. Hamilton of the CashiersDepartment was again requested to make thepresentation. Mr. Hamilton spoke of thesterling qualities of Mr. Evans and of his threedominant characteristics, viz.: those of being aMans man, a Womans Man, and a Com-panys Man. In an endeavor to pa :ly relievethe strained feelings of the little company atparting with their associate, Mr. Hamiltonclosed his remarks by humorously telling Mr.Evans that the presents given him were madefor revenue only, and that he could notexpect to get by without a spring or summerpicnic for the force to be given in the beauti-ful hills of Montchanin, providing he shouldremain there for such a period. Mr. Evans madea brief and feeling reply full of the spirit of goodfellowship and appreciation.. Agent G. H. Smith, Belcamp 78 THE BALTIIMORE AND OHIO EMPLOYES MAGAZINE The picture on preceding page is of G. H.Smith, agent at Belcamp. Mr. Smith enteredthe service on February 1, 1891, as assistantagent at Aberdeen. In January, 1893, he was ap-pointed agent at Joppa. He was later agent atKiamensi, acting agent at Yorklyn, agent atEoothwyn for about ten years and has nowcompleted eleven years service at Belcamp.Naturally Mr. Smith is a member of our Veter-rans Association. Washington, D. C, Freight Station Correspondent, W. L. Whiting, Chiej Clerk The many friends of Mrs. G. H. Winslow, wife of the well-known secretary of the Rail-road Terminal Y. M. C. A. in this city, andformer correspondent of our Magazine for theWashington Terminal, will be pleased to hearthat she is rapidly recovering from a severeattack of pneumonia with which she was strickenduring the recent drive for the Amerian RedCross. Mrs. Winslow is Captain of the Washing-ton Te