Modèle d'un grenier avec des scribes. Dimensions : L. 74,9 (29 1/2 po) ; W. 56 cm (22 1/16 po) ; H. 36,5 (14 3/8 po) ; hauteur moyenne de chiffres : 20 cm (7 7/8 in.). Dynastie DYNASTIE : 12. Règne : début de règne d'Amenemhat I. Date : ca. 1981-1975 av. J.-C.. Ce modèle d'un grenier a été découvert dans une chambre cachée sur le côté de la passage conduisant au rock cut tombe du délégué en chef Meketre royale, qui a commencé sa carrière sous le roi Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre de Dynasty 11 et a continué à servir rois successifs dans les premières années de Dynasty 12. Les quatre coins de ce modèle sont grenier ont culminé en un mann
Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.
Model of a Granary with Scribes. Dimensions: L. 74.9 (29 1/2 in); W. 56 cm (22 1/16 in); H. 36.5 (14 3/8 in); average height of figures: 20 cm (7 7/8 in.). Dynasty: Dynasty 12. Reign: early reign of Amenemhat I. Date: ca. 1981-1975 B.C.. This model of a granary was discovered in a hidden chamber at the side of the passage leading into the rock cut tomb of the royal chief steward Meketre, who began his career under King Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II of Dynasty 11 and continued to serve successive kings into the early years of Dynasty 12. The four corners of this model granary are peaked in a manner that is sometimes still found in southern Egypt today presumably to offer additional protection against thieves and rodents. The interior is divided into two main sections: the granary proper, where grain was stored, and an accounting area. Keeping track of grain supplies was crucial in an agricultural society, and it is noteworthy that the six men carrying sacks of grain here are outnumbered by nine men taking care of measuring and accounting. Of the four scribes two are using papyrus scrolls, two write on wooden writing boards. All the accessible rooms in the tomb of Meketre had been robbed and plundered already during Antiquity; but early in 1920 the Museum's excavator, Herbert Winlock, wanted to obtain an accurate floor plan of the tomb's layout for his map of the Eleventh Dynasty necropolis at Thebes and, therefore, had his workmen clean out the accumulated debris. It was during this cleaning operation that the small hidden chamber was discovered, filled with twenty-four almost perfectly preserved models. Eventually, half of these went to the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and the other half came to the Metropolitan Museum in the partition of finds. Museum: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.