MUNN & CIE éditeurs et propriétaires. Publié chaque semaine au n°361 BROADWAY NEW YORK. 0. D. MUNN. A. E. BEACH. Conditions POUR LE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Renvoyer par courrier postal ou par mandat express. Colonial bank notes. Répondre MUNN & Co. de Broadway 361 Franklin Street New York. Le Scientific American supplément est publié chaque semaine. Chaque numéro contient 16 pages de taille uniforme octavo ing à l'Union postale. Des copies uniques de 10 cents. Vendu par tous les marchands de throughcut le pays. sera envoyé pour un an à n'importe quelle adresse en Canada ou sur réception de la façon la plus sécuritaire de payer est par le projet de mandat postal
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MUNN & CO. Editors and Proprietors. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT No. 361 BROADWAY NEW YORK. 0. D. MUNN. A. E. BEACH. TERMS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. Remit by postal or express money order. Colonial bank notes. Address MUNN & CO. 361 Broadway corner of Franklin Street New York. The Scientific American Supplement Is issued weekly. Every number contains 16 octavo pages uniform in size ing to the Postal Union. Single copies 10 cents. Sold by all newsdealers throughcut the country. will be sent for one year to any address in U. S. or Canada on receipt of The safest way to remit is by draft postal order express money order or registered letter. rent Colonial bank notes. Address MUNN & CO. 361 Broadway corner of Franklin Street New York. Content . (Illustrated articles are marked with an asterisk.) SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT No_ 703 For the Week Ending June 22 1889. Price 10 cents. For sale by all newsdealers. PAGE BIOLOGYOdoriferous InsectsThe perfume of insectsln ter esting notes on its observation in the field and its bearing upon the life history of the insect itself 237 practical paper on the collection and preservation of botaniCal specimens with details of the plant presses. drying apparatus etc. —3 illustrations 237 III. CHEMISTRYSteam Suction Blast and Still An apparatus cal and other products.-1 illustration 232 IV. ELECTRICITYPower Test of the Daft Electric Railway at Asbury Park N. JBy F. E. luELL M. E A lull and detailed de scription of the recent tests of the Daft electric railway with a view to the determination of its capacity and economy 231 tion of the electric arc. —2 illustrations 232 giving a most interesting portraiture of these hitherto almost undescribed regions 224 The Terrestrial Globe at the Paris ExpositionA very full de scription of the construction of the immense globe over 125 feet in circumference its framework and the peculiarities of the building containing it.-3 illustrations 223 VI. HYGIENE. AND PHYSIOLOGYDangers of Carbon Monoxide.