Nouvelle Zélande : Ni Prédateur Ni Proie : Elliott travaille avec les requins pour les assurer qu'il n'est pas une menace. Des images à couper le saisit l'instant un
NEW ZEALAND: Neither prey nor predator: Elliott works with the sharks to assure them he is not a threat. HEART-STOPPING footage captures the moment a TWELVE-FOOT shark BITES a boat in an aggressive display of dominance – but the scientist who filmed the video says simply ‘SQUARING UP’ with a shark can calm it down. Despite the seemingly vicious attack, shark specialist Riley Elliott (33) is determined to challenge society’s negative view of the sharp-toothed sea creatures and shift it to one of admiration – even explaining how it’s possible to swim alongside the apex predators by radiating confidence, ‘squaring up’ to the deadly fish, and treating it with respect. Aside from the stunning boat footage of a Mako shark attacking the boat, spectacular images show Elliott interacting with awe-inspiring beasts and close ups showing the sleek creature’s lethal array of teeth. Mediadrumimages/RileyElliot/AmberJones