. Oiseaux terrestres du nord de New York : un guide de poche pour les oiseaux terrestres communs de la vallée du Saint-Laurent et des basses terres en général du nord de New York . s, sur des grassycoteaux, le long de clôtures de rail, au bord du bois, en particulier le bois de cèdre. C'est le parterre que vous entendez si souvent qu'il chante de la clôture, de la souche ou de l'arbre; à d'autres moments, il est en train de mousser dans un angle de la barrière de rail ou dans le bord de l'épaissie; ou il peut fluer de son nid dans la longue herbe et de la fle à la couverture nearbv de l'abash ou de la grappe de mauvaises herbes. Vous entendrez son chirp ou tseep, et vous remarquerez sa longta plutôt
1534 x 1628 px | 26 x 27,6 cm | 10,2 x 10,9 inches | 150dpi
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. Land birds of northern New York : a pocket guide to common land birds of the St. Lawrence Valley and the lowlands in general of northern New York . s, on grassyslopes, along rail-fences, at the edge of the wood—especially the cedar wood. This is the brownsparrow you hear so often as he sings from fence-post, stump or tree; at other times he is seenskulking in an angle of the rail-fence or in theedge of the thicket; or he may flush from his nestin the long grass and flit to the nearbv cover of abush or cluster of weeds. You will hear his in-sistent chirp or tseep, and notice his rather longtail. 584. Swamp Sparrow—Melospiza georgiana. Length 5% inches. Underparts without streaks; throat and middleof belly white; breast grayish; sides washed withgrayish brown; crown chestnut-rufous: a blackishtine behind eye; forehead black; a grayish lineover eye; back broadly streaked with black. In spite of differences in color and marking, thisbird may easily be mistaken at first for a SongSparrow as he skulks in the long grass or lowbushes of his swampy retreat; but the SwampSparrows song, so simple and characteristic, is, unmistakable. 72:. Tree Sparrow Redpoll Pine Siskin 528. Redpoll—Acanthis linaria linaria. Small. Length 5% inches. Male—Crown-patch bright red ; rump and breasttinged with pink; belly white; sides streaked withblackish; chin and upper throat blackish; wingsand tail blackish; trimmed with whitish, especiallywings. Female—Similar, but no pink on breast orrump; sides more heavily streaked. This is a winter visitor; it moves about in flocksin the fields, where it feeds on various weed-seeds, or again the flock resorts to the birches of thewoods. The notes are musical and canary-like, closely resembling those of the Goldfinch. It is a 73 very tame bird and will often allow you to comewithin a few feet of it as it feeds among the weeds. 533. Pine Siskin—Spinus pinus pinus. Length 5 inches. Upperparts streaked with black, margined withbuffy; wings blackish