On appelle combustion combustion des partisans du visage J-s'est composé de roches qui prends l'Longmald Amélioration de la séparation moi totaux de leurs minerais. Un document très intéressant a été lu devant la Société des Arts de Londres dans leur dernière rencontre en avril dernier sur Longmaid son processus de séparation des métaux de leurs minerais. Quand le sel commun et de minéraux contenant de l'argent cuivre fer soufre amd sont mélangés ensemble et exposés à l'action combinée de la chaleur et l'air atmosphérique decomposi tion mutuelle découle avec formation de sulfate de soude et de chlorure d'argent et de cuivre soluble dans la pile alcaline
Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.
bustion are termed supporters of combustion I face is composed—whether of rocks that rise Longmald's Improvement In Separating Me tals from their Ores. A very interesting paper was read before the London Society of Arts in their last meet ing in April last on Longmaid's Process for Separating Metals from their Ores. When common salt and minerals containing silver copper iron amd sulphur are mixed to gether and exposed to the combined action of heat and atmospheric air mutual decomposi tion ensues with formation of sulphate of soda and chloride of silver and copper soluble in the alkaline solution thereof. Mr. Longmaid has further discovered that every description of ore containing silver and copper might be treated with great'advantage by various mo difications of these processes and the silver and copper economically obtained. The waste of sulphur annually destroyed in the copper works of Great Britain at an enormous cost of labor and coal was stated to be from 60000 to 70000 tons annually. From this the origi nal idea was to manufacture sulphate and car bonate of soda. Taking the metals at inci dental products in the original process objec tions had arisen to its application to ores rich in copper. These were now obviated ; and the period was confidently looked forward to when it would be applicable to copper ores generally. The chief points adduced by Mr. Longmaid are the complete separation of sil ver and copper and also lead when these metals exist in the ore; and the great econo ray of the process whereby the sulphur is ren dered available for the manufacture of alkali. His late patent refers to the application of the process to ores rich in copper and silver ; ores containing about 25 per cent of sulphur and from 5 to 10 per cent of copper are mixed in such proportion that 32 parts of sulphur by weight are added to 100 parts of common salt. The mixture is ground sufficiently fine to pass through a ten-hole seive the material is then calcined in a furnace of