- Photo du Père Marko Ivan Rupnik à l'atelier "Aletti" à Rome, Italie le 2007 novembre, travaillant à la réalisation d'une fresque en mosaïque de 160 mètres carrés pour la façade de la basilique de Lourdes. - Le prêtre jésuite slovène, le Père Marko Ivan Rupnik, théologien et célèbre artiste de mosaïque bien connu pour ses mosaïques qui ornent les chapelles et les églises dans le monde entier, a été accusé d'abuser de façon serieuse des femmes slovènes consacrées en 1980s et 1990s. Après une plainte déposée en 2019, Rupnik avait été condamné et sanctionné par le Vatican pour le crime ecclésiastique d'absolution d'un complice. Il W
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- File photo of Father Marko Ivan Rupnik at the ‘Aletti’ workshop in Rome, Italy on November 2007 working at the realization of a 160 square metres mosaic fresco for the facade of Lourdes Basilica. - Slovenian Jesuit priest Father Marko Ivan Rupnik, a theologian and a famous mosaic artist well-known for his mosaics that adorn chapels and churches around the world has been accused of serially abusing Slovenian consecrated women in the 1980s and 1990s. After a 2019 complaint, Rupnik had been convicted and sanctioned by the Vatican for the ecclesiastical crime of absolution of an accomplice. He was excommunicated for having committed one of the gravest crimes in the Catholic Church, using the confessional to absolve a woman with whom he had engaged in sexual activity. Rupnik's excommunication was lifted after he repented for his crime. And the Vatican closed the case because it said the claims were too old to prosecute. An alleged victim of Rupnik, a former member of the Slovenian religious community he is accused of abusing talked about the abuse she said she suffered for nine years, and which she describes as a ‘descent into Hell. In the meantime, other sisters were similarly harmed, she said, describing the use of pornography, humiliation and multiple partners ‘in the image of the Trinity’ in Rupnik’s spiritual and sexual abuse. After his conviction, Rupnik preached in 2020 a Lenten meditation for priests working in the Roman Curia, including Pope Francis . Some journalists say Rupnik's scandal has underscored the weaknesses in the Vatican’s abuse policies concerning spiritual and sexual abuse of adult women. Marko Ivan Rupnik is creator of church mosaics throughout the world, including those: of the Redemptoris Mater Chapel in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace (Pope's personal chapel under John Paul II), in the churches of Fatima, on the facade of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes and in the Saint John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. Photo by Eric Vande
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