Beijing, Chine. Apr 20, 2014. La mort est presque la seule chose qui peut être sûr dans la vie, c'est la destination finale pour tout le monde, simplement le cycle de la vie. Mais dans la société chinoise, le refus de la mort est extrêmement forte et tout ce qui c'est censé apporter le malheur, même à la mort liée à la langue ou même y penser. Cette horreur de la mort signifie beaucoup refusent d'accepter son caractère inévitable.Il y a une place pour la mort. Au cours des 27 dernières années, plus de 30 000 patients ont passé leurs derniers jours dans là que signifie autour de 3 patients avaient disparu (die) à tous les jours. Il
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April 20, 2014 - Beijing, China - Death is almost the only thing that can be sure about in life, it is the final destination for everybody, simply the cycle of life. But in Chinese society, denial of death is extremely strong and anything associated with it is believed to bring misfortune, even language related to death or even thinking about it. This horror of death means many refuse to accept its inevitability...There is a place for the death. During the past 27 years, more than 30, 000 patients have spent their last days in there that means around 3 patients were gone (die) at every day. It is the 1st end-of-life caring hospice in Beijing -- Beijing Songtang Caring Hospice, established in 1987, a place for palliative and end-of-life caring for several hundred people, either seniors or people with terminal illness - like cancer in late-stage or other incurable diseases. The average age of the residents here is about 84. They sing together; they play wheelchair sports in the garden. They are comforted carefully by medicines and warm languages. They could accept death calmly...There are still serious shortages in hospice care and implementing meaningful hospice care program in China is not going to be easy. According to a study at 2010 by the CALC (the Chinese Association for Life Care), Beijing has more than 15, 300 people dying of cancer every year and over 90% of patients with late-stage cancer are not receiving help to relieve their suffering. CALC also found there are only two individual sites that specialize in palliative care in Beijing; Songtang Caring Hospice is one of them. Throughout China, there are just 30 hospices and 120 palliative care facilities in both private and public hospitals...In 2010, a research report profiling the global end-of-life care challenges “The Quality of Death: Ranking End of Life Care Across the World†was published by EIU (The Economist Intelligence Unit) in conjunction with the Lien Foundation says that in almost every way,
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