Cilla Black et son mari Bobby Willis séjourné à l'hôtel Brooklands, Holyhead Road, Coventry quand elle a comparu dans 'Cilla's Spring Show'. Ils ont payé 55 shillings la nuit. Quelques palmiers en pots ont été apportés et le champagne est mis sur à minuit. Le petit-déjeuner est servi à tout moment ce qui n'est pas plus mal parce qu'il était près de 11h avant de Cilla émergé, sleepy-eyed mais bavard, à partir de la nouvelle 'Bridal suite' qui a été une fois P.J. La chambre de Proby avant qu'il n'a fait faillite et a dû quitter l'Angleterre
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Cilla Black and her husband Bobby Willis stayed at the Brooklands Hotel, Holyhead Road, Coventry when she was appearing in "Cilla's Spring Show". They paid 55 shillings a night. Some potted palms have been brought in and champagne is laid on at midnight. Breakfast is served at any time which is just as well because it was nearly 11am before Cilla emerged, sleepy-eyed but talkative, from the newly-created "bridal suite" which was once P.J. Proby's room before he went bankrupt and had to leave England. Cilla's feeling a bit bothered because yesterday was Frankie Howerd's birthday and she forgot to send him a card. Bobby's bothered because the Rolls, which he drives himself, looks a mess. They had thought of staying at the Leofric but it's fully booked up until the 20th. Cilla asks for a boiled egg and stares fixedly at a picture on the wall of a naked lady. "Ooh, that's nice, " she says, "Lady Godiva isn't it?" There's no interview as such - we just sit around watching Cilla munching toast. She said she was quite looking forward to the show as stage shows aren't so restrictive as television so I don't suppose anyone will mind if I say 'loo, ' will they? The hotel is also a farm and on their previous visits to Coventry - the first of which was a one-night stand at the Matrix - Bobby used to go riding there. "You'd never get me on an 'orse, " Cilla says. "but I can drive, I passed my driving test in Blackpool three years ago. Blackpool's like makes you do things you'd never dream of in a million years. The last time we were there we went mad on sauna baths and Swedish massage and golf. Me playing golf. Would you believe." It's 11.05 and Cilla excuses herself, she was supposed to be rehearsing at 11am. 18th March 1969.
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