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Crimson camellias "Senjyu" and "Kamitsuma" Thea japonica Nois. forma Color-printed woodblock engraving by Iwasaki from "Honzo Zufu" (An Illustrated Guide to Medicinal Plants) (1884). Kan'en Tsunemasa Iwasaki (1786-1842) was a Japanese botanist, entomologist and zoologist. He was one of the first Japanese botanists to incorporate western knowledge into his studies - since the 8th century, Japanese botany had been based on Chinese herbals. Iwasaki's Honzo Zufu adopts the plant classification of Li Shi-zhen's Pents'ao kang mu published in China in 1596, but also shows the influence of western illustrated herbals such as Weinmann's Phytanthoza Iconographia (1737-1745). Iwasaki's work is one of the two most important treatises on systematic botany of the Tokugawa period (1603-1867).