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Republican marchers are stopped by police at the junction of the Broughshane road, in accordance with the Parades commission ruling as they take part in the first republican parade in Ballymena Co Antrim, Tuesday 9th August 2005. Catholic families were handed fire blankets today in an unprecedented move by police attempting to thwart sectarian attacks by loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland The were distributed in the village of Ahoghill, near Ballymena, Co.Antrim, where several Catholic houses, churches and pubs have been hit with pipe, petrol and paint bombs. It is the first time police have take such action, but it confirmed fears that the violence involving elements within the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) could get worse. Much of it has been linked to loyalist opposition to a republican parade due to be held in Ballymena tonight. See PA Story ULSTER Attacks. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Photo credit should read: Paul Faith/PA
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