head shot, concentrate, contemplation, intense, despair, still, stare, concern, dignity, 70s, wondering, 60, seventies, older, sportswear, woman only, pondering, middle aged, mature adult, ethnicity, looking at, white hair, head and shoulders, hopeful, gray hair, pensioner, contemplate, casual wear, adult woman, contemplating, concerned, distressed, solo, senior adult, ponder, calming, casual dress, portraiture, sixty, distinguished, alienation, adult only, 60 years old, distraught, focusing, Asian ethnicity, melancholy, reflecting, casual clothing, Chinese ethnicity, distress, 70-80, adult women, casual clothes, somber, hoping, idyllic, sideview, gazing, hands clasped, middle-aged, minority, one person only, racial, brood, 60-65 years, only women, hands clasping, introspective, warm color, wonderment, wistful, head on, mid-adult, melancholic, only one person, only woman, 1 person, dejected, depressing, casual attire, calmness, close shot, clasping hands, forlorn, East Asian, eastern Asia, 60 year old, adult female, 70-80 years, alienated, aloneness, somebody, seniors only, mid life, mid-life, model released, Sunday morning, worshipping, worrying, yearning, warm tones, middleaged, mid adult, life-style, someone, revering, revere, placid, posed, 70-80 year, 70 year, 65-70, 65-70 year old, 70 years, 70 years old, 60-65, 60 something, 60-70 years old, eyes raised, dejection, church bench, church seat, church seating, close up view, close-shot, 60-70 years, 65 to 70, 65 to 70 year, 65 to 70 year old, 65 to 70 years, 65 to 70 years old, 70 something, 70 to 75, 70 to 80, 70 to 80 year, 70 to 80 year old, 70 to 80 years, 70 to 80 years old, 60 to 65, 60 to 65 year, 60 to 65 year old, 60 to 65 years, 60 to 65 years old, 60 to 69 years, 60 to 70, 60 to 70 year, 60 to 70 year old, 60 to 70 years, 60 to 70 years old, 60-65 year, 60-70 year, 70-75, 70-75 year, 70-75 years, 70-79 years, 65-70 years, 65-70 years old, 65-70 year, 70 year old, 75 to 80, 75-80, 75-80 year, 75-80 years, age 60-65, age 65-70, age 70-75, age 75-80, 70-80 years old, raising eyes, OAP, old age pensioner, revered, seventy, seventy something, seventy year old, seventy years old