Green subject, Blue background, Perennial, Summer flowering, Edible, Herb, Culinary uses, Aromatherapy uses, Medicinal uses, Colour, Nobody, Bright light, Daytime, Drought resistant, Editorial, Flower, Graphic, Growing, Leaf, One, Vertical orientation, Outdoor, Plant, Umbellifer, Sky, Sunny, Underneath, Side view, Wild plant species, Wild flower, aneth fenouil, carosella, fenchel, funcho, garden fennel, hinojo, large fennel, sweet fennel, Beauty in nature, Aspire, Delicate, Emerging, blue sky, Color, Ingredient, Nutritious, Eatable, Culinary, Bloom, Flowering, Flowers, Petals, Visual, Designed, Creative, Aromaherb, Aromatherapy, Flavour, Flavor, Herbal, Alternative medicine, Alternative therapy, Medicine, Therapy, Complementary medicine, Holistic, Natural medicine, Unconventional medicine, Medicinal qualities, Wellbeing, Healing, Alternative treatment, Healthcare and medicine, Medicinal, Remedy, Treatment, No-one, Single, Singular, Individual, 1, Solo, Sole, Outside, Open-air, Out-of-doors, Yearly, Side shot, Side angle, Side-on, Sunlight, Summery, Sunlit, Sunshine, Sun, Wildflower, Aim, Ambition, Strive, Upward, Reaching, Upwardly mobile, Reach for the sky, Aspirational, Dainty, Fine, Fragile, New growth, Beginning, Growing, Developing, Unfurling, Unfolding, New life, Water conservation, Drought tolerant plant, Drought adapted plant, Low water use, Summer flowers, Non-cultivated, Summertime, Wet, Development, Advancement, Progress, Maturing, Cracked, Cracked earth, Dried, Dried up, Dry, Arid, Parched, Water shortage