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ATHENS, GREECE, 1967: A VIEW OF THE WEST INTERIOR OF THE PARTHENON (TEMPLE OF ATHENA) ON THE ACROPOLIS. THE TEMPLE WAS CONSTRUCTED DURING THE PERICLEAN GOLDEN AGE OF ATHENS IN THE 5TH CENTURY BC AND SURVIVED, ALMOST INTACT, UNTIL THE 17TH CENTURY WHEN A VENETIAN SHELL DETONATED A TURKISH MAGAZINE IN THE TEMPLE. IT WAS FROM HERE THAT THE ELGIN MARBLES, THE 5TH CENTURY FRIEZE AND PEDIMENT SCULPTURES, WERE ACQUIRED IN THE 19TH CENTURY BY LORD ELGIN. *18/01/02 the view of the West interior of The Parthenon (Temple of Athena) from where some of the Elgin Marbles were taken. Greece just wants to borrow the Marbles from the British Museum and has no interest in reclaiming ownership of the antiquities, the culture minister claimed Friday January 18, 2002. Evangelos Venizelos said the marbles should be displayed in Athens when the Olympics return to their birthplace in 2004.
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