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BEST AVAILABLE QUALITY Police issued picture of Kirsty Ross, 25, who was discovered dead with throat injuries after being savaged by her pet Doberman as she suffered an epileptic fit at her home in Helston, Cornwall. * Her boyfriend, Kenny Bowley, spoke of his devastation at her death. He said he was could not believe what had happened. "Kirsty and I have been together for 10 years and she was such a quiet, innocent and gentle person. She was a brilliant mum who was loving towards our daughter and was loved by the whole family. I cannot believe this has happened to us and it has left me numb." A Devon and Cornwall police spokesman said the Doberman dog had been put down following consultations with the family. 06/02/01: A Home Office pathologist said that there no evidence to suggest the dog had savaged her, but that the injuries were consistent with a dog wanting to lift a puppy.
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