Konnopke Imbiss, plats à emporter, plus vieux et le plus célèbre des saucisses, décrochage Schoenhauser Allee, Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, Germany, Europe
1930 2011 after Allee and architecture attraction attractions away aways being beings Berg Berlin Berlins bridge building buildings busy carry carry-out catering crowded curry currywurst day daylight daytime district during eating Eberswalder Europe European exterior exteriors famous fast fast-food Federal filled food foods foodstuff foodstuffs FRG full gastronomy German Germany guest guests human humans Imbiss in known Konnopke Konnopkes line lines lining lively located metro most new nourishment nourishments nutrition of oldest on opening out outdoor Pankow people person persons photo photos Prenzlauer product products queue queueing queues rail railway re re-opening renowned Republic sausage sausages Schoenhauser seeing service shop shops shot shots sight sights since site sites stall stalls station stations Strasse street subway take take-away take-aways take-out takeaway takeaways the tourist trade train under up urban wait waiting waits well well-known worth