andlt;strongandgt;The Arcticandlt;/strongandgt;, night-day satellite image. Thiscomposite image of the Earth is set against abackground of stars, and is centred on the Arctic.The North Pole is at centre, with North America atlower centre. The left-hand half of the globe (atnight) shows densely populated areas (city lights, yellow). The right-hand half of the globe is litby sunlight and shows clouds (white), seas (blue), and land cover (green and brown). Seen from above, as here, the Earth rotates anti-clockwise, and theday-night line indicates dawn on one side of theEarth (bottom) and dusk on the other side (top).This image, from 2001, combines data from severalsatellite sensors. For the separate images, seeE074/085 and E050/683.