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Alex Salmond celebrates with new deputy SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon after as he was declared winner of the Scottish National Party leadership campaign in Edinburgh. The former leader won 4, 952 votes, some 76 percent of the total, and will be joined in office by his running mate, who comfortably won election as deputy leader. 08/09/04: SNP deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon was taking on Jack McConnell Wednesday September 8, 2004 in her first head-to-head clash since being elected to lead the Nationalists at Holyrood. Ms Sturgeon was stepping into the bear pit of First Minister's Question Time where she was likely to face a barrage of jibes from the opposite benches. The leader of the SNP, Alex Salmond, was elected on the same day Ms Sturgeon became deputy last week, but as an MP he cannot speak at Holyrood, so the task falls to Ms Sturgeon.
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