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Archdiocesan Administrator Monsignor James Clancy leads the coffin of the late Cardinal Thomas Winning who died after suffering a suspected second heart attack, age 76. The coffin carried into the Archdiocese of Glasgow will lay in state until 22/6/01. * Mgr James Clancy, the Administrator of St Andrew's Cathedral, who was until the cardinal's death Vicar General of the Archdiocese, will take up the interim post. 25/06/01 Monsignor James Clancy is the man who will look after the day to day running of the Archdiocese until the Pope appoints a new Archbishop. A body known as the College of Consultors met in private last Monday to elect the 58 year old as the Diocesan administrator. Until the cardinal's death Mgr Clancy was the Administrator of St Andrews Cathedral and Vicar General of the Archdiocese.
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