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Irish Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern, poses for the cameras after casting his vote in Drumcondra, north of Dublin city centre after casting his vote in the abortion referendum. *Ahern's Fianna Fail-led Government will ask the electorate to vote in its second referendum on abortion in a decade. The current law outlaws abortion unless a woman's health is in grave danger from continuing with the pregancy. A 'Yes' vote would back a proposal guaranteeing the ban on abortion, except in cases where the life of a mother is considered to be at risk, but rules out the threat of suicide as a reason for termination. A 'No' vote would mean that the constitution would not change, and that the original Supreme Court ruling to allow abortions in such exceptional circumstances would stand. This ruling goes back to the X case in 1992 where a 14 year old girl was made pregnant as a result of rape. An abortion was ruled permissable in Ireland as the child was suicidal.
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