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Students take part in a protest march in central London against university top-up fees. * Up to 20, 000 UK students were demonstrating in London today against top-up fees which would cripple the higher education system, according to National Union of Students president Mandy Telford, who also warned that the fees would price thousands of our most talented students out of education. 06/12/02 : Universities published "hard evidence" that fear of debt was putting many young people off doing a degree as the row over tuition fees raged on. Research for Universities UK showed that 63% of school leavers who decided not to go did not want to amass debts, while 51% thought the costs of a university education outweighed the benefits. 04/2/03 Restoring grants might not be enough to stop fear of debt putting many poor teenage students off doing a degree, universities warned. Only 7% of families with one or more sixth former children earned less than 10, 000 a year and therefore qualified for the full 1, 000 subsidy, said a report for Universities UK, the sector's umbrella body. 23/01/04: It was announced that bursaries worth up to 1, 000 a year are to be offered to physics students in a bid to reverse the subject's relative decline in popularity over the last 20 years. The awards are to be offered by the Institute of Physics (IoP) who said it was the first time that undergraduates taking a particular subject had been offered financial support, regardless of where they studied.
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