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Josie Russell, who survived a hammer attack in which her mother and sister were murdered, at the London Hilton Hotel in Park Lane, London, where she who a People of The Year 2000 Award. *04/10/01 Michael Stone, has been found guilty at Nottingham Crown Court of the murder of Dr Lin Russell, 45, and her six-year-old daughter Megan, and the attempted murder of Josie Russell, who was nine at the time of the attack in July, 1996. * 6/2/2001: Three judges in London indicated that they would "allow" the appeal on the basis of the unreliabilty of key witness Barry Thompson's evidence, given at Stone's trail. Stone, 40, of Gillingham, Kent, will remain in custody pending deliberation by the court on Thursday on the issue of a possible retrial. 8/2/2001: Stone was hearing whether he will be released after the Appeal Court quashed his convictions for the 1996 murder of Lin & Megan Russell and Josie's attempted murder.
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