60 65-69 years 65-70 65-70 years 65-70 years old adult adults aged aged man audio beard bearded beards caucasian appearance caucasian ethnicity caucasians color colors colour image colours comedy comic drum drumming drums ear defenders ear phones earphone earphones earpiece earpieces elderly adult elderly adults elderly man eye contact free time funny gamble gambling grown up grown ups headphone headphones hobbies hobby humor humour leisure activities leisure activity leisure time living life to full looking at camera looking to camera loud man mature matures men music musical instrument old old age old man old men one person only one senior man only one senior adult man only senior men people person persons playing quality of life recreation recreational activities recreational activity retired retiring scandinavian ethnicity scandinavians senior senior adult senior adults senior citizen senior citizens senior man senior men seniors sound sounded sounder soundest sounding sounds spare time studio shot studio-shot studioshot vertical weekend weekends well-being wellbeing wellness white background young at heart