5120 x 3407 px | 43,3 x 28,8 cm | 17,1 x 11,4 inches | 300dpi
Date de la prise de vue:
Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK
Informations supplémentaires:
Famous meteorologist Michael Fish jumped into a warm bubble bath to launch East Sussex Energy Partnership’s solar energy campaign to give away free and heavily discounted solar panels for heating water.As Michael, who has maintained links with the Sunshine Coast after going to school at Eastbourne College, soaked in a tub in the Sunrise Suite at The Waterside Hotel in Eastbourne, he said: “This area of the south coast has high levels of sunshine hours every year. East Sussex Energy Partnership is enabling residents who might not otherwise be able to afford solar water heating panels to cash in on this sunny advantage. I say soak it up!”ESEP is made up of four councils – Eastbourne Borough Council, Hastings Borough Council, Rother District Council and Wealden District Council. These councils have united to deliver Government-funded grants to homes in East Sussex. By installing home renewable energy systems, such as solar power, for free or at a heavily discounted rate, they are helping people fight fuel poverty and increase energy efficiency. Using the sun to heat water can help households save up to £95 a year on fuel bills.Eastbourne had 78 hours of sunshine in February when the UK average was 64 hours.Solar thermal, using the power of the sun to help heat water, can save around £65 per year off gas bills or around £95 per year off electricity bills.The East Sussex Energy Partnership has been created to deliver a contract worth £2.5 million over the next three years (Government funding) to help tackle fuel poverty and improve energy efficiency in homes across East Sussex. This launch focuses on solar power, the previous launch focussed on insulation. All Eastbourne Borough Council Leader, Councillor David Tutt, said: “Fuel poverty and energy efficiency are high priorities we can address with this campaign. A free phone call can put residents from across the area on track for free or significantly discounted solar panels for heating their household water.”
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