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Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor with new Armed Forces Bishop, Thomas Burns from Belfast at his ordination at the Cathedral Church of Saint Michael Aldershot. * Mgr Burns, who was the Principal Roman Catholic Chaplain and Vicar General for the Royal Navy, succeeds Bishop Francis Walmsley, 75, who has been Bishop of the Forces since 1979 and has now retired. *22/09/02 Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Police have asked the Crown Prosecution Service for advice over an inquiry involving Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor it was revealed Sunday September 22 2002. Sussex Police contacted lawyers over inquiries involving the Archbishop of Westminster that detectives have been making for a number of months, the CPS confirmed. The investigation relates to claims in the 1980s that the Cardinal, then Bishop of Brighton and Arundel, turned a blind eye to a priest he knew to have paedophile tendencies who was later convicted of sexual offences, according to the Sunday Mirror.
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