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House in the blizzard of 1888. The great storm of March 12th-13th, scene in Printing-House Square, showing the terrible force of the blizzard. The Great Blizzard of March 12, 1888 is considered to be one of the most famous blizzards in American history on record because it was created by a rare combination of meteorological events. The blizzard of March 11-14, 1888 is often called the "The Great Blizzard of 1888" or the "The White Hurricane." This is the first blizzard to be captured in pictures. Snowfalls of 40-50 inches fell in parts of New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Connecticut, and sustained winds of over 45 miles per hour produced snowdrifts in excess of 50 feet. Railroads were shut down and people were confined to their houses for up to a week. Photographed by C.H. Jordan & Company, 1888.