combing comb combs combed grooming holding hold holds held standing stood assistance assist assists assisted helping assisting assistances bonding bonded lifestyle lifestyles preparation preparations preparing routine routines togetherness together vertical vertically verticals photography photographic indoors inside indoor front view front views looking away three quarter length three-quarter length waist up waist-up half-length weekday weekdays color image colored colors colour color colours coloured bathroom bathrooms room loo wc water closet w.c. restroom loos restrooms water closets Europe Scandinavia Sweden three people three people 3 few girls baby girls girl child kid young youngster human person human being juvenile children humans juveniles kids youngsters baby girl boys boy childhood elementary age mature adult middle aged middle age mid life fifty middle-age middle-aged mature women woman pre-adolescent child pre-adolescent children pre-adolescent pre-teen teenage girl teenage girls teenager youth youthful minor teen teenage minors teens youths youthfulness smiling smiles smile caucasian ethnicity caucasians western european whites family with two children daughter daughters relative kin kinfolk family kinfolks relatives families familial mother mothers motherhood mothering mama ma mom parent relationship mamas moms one parent son sons relation hairbrush hairbrushes brush hair brush hair brushes 8-9 years 7-9 years 12-13 years 13-15 years 40-44 years 40s 40-45 years Stockholm Casual clothing everyday life everyday work groups casual clothing toothy smile Home Interior Healthcare And Medicine Care