conceptual, make up, eye contact, religion, teen girl, Caucasian, copyspace, life style, cosmetic, faith, photograph, Islamic, class, teenaged girl, make-up, stare, cultural heritage, raised eyes, elegance, look, cropped, covered up, classy, sequence, young lady, part, Moslem, eyeshadow, opposite, head-dress, regulation, banned, controlled, juxtaposition, eye make up, controlling, conceptualize, burqa, human head, regulate, woman only, studio image, one teenager, ban, contrasts, prohibition, wide eyed, humiliation, gazing, frock, eyes wide open, conceptualizing, constrained, looking at, restricted, succession, sequential, conform, 18 year old, 18 years, young adult women, traditional dress, phase, juxtapose, lash, restrain, eyes raised, forbidden, young adult woman, traditional costume, covering, burkha, social problem, restriction, observing, partial, oppress, looking at the camera, restrict, subservience, prohibit, 18-19, heavy burden, eighteen, vulnerability, good looking, head dress, forbid, contrasting, color black, 18 years old, 18 year, alienated, black colour, blank space, restraining, oppressive, space for copy, sequenced, silhouetted, looking upward, model released, opposing, oppressed, oppressing, one person only, one teenage girls only, only one person, model release, khimar, humiliate, humiliating, societal issue, societal problem, sequencial, teenage girls only, Radius Images, restricting, prohibiting, regulated, regulating, bourkha, burdening, burdensome, blackish, blank looks, banning, close-up view, civilization, ancient civilisation, ancient culture, antithesis, 18-19 years old, age 18-19, 18-19 year, 18 to 19, 18 to 19 year, 18 to 19 year old, 18 to 19 years, 18 to 19 years old, color picture, colour black, conformed, conforming, cultural dress, hijabs, traditional headdress, vacant stare, young women only