3648 x 2736 px | 30,9 x 23,2 cm | 12,2 x 9,1 inches | 300dpi
Date de la prise de vue:
9 octobre 2010
Copiapo,Region of Atacama,Chile,Sourthamerica.
Informations supplémentaires:
“Hurrah by the miners of Chile” was the shout that repeated in the camping “Hope”, in the San Jose mine in Copiapó, as soon as the contact of Schramm T 130 with the 33 miners catched from the 5 of August in the San Jose mine in Copiapó was confirmed, signing in this way an important landmark in the rescue. Journalists, cameramen, photographers and documentary men of worldwide arrived at the camping “Hope” of San Jose Mine, to cover the great news “We are alive in the refuge the 33” This event is only comparable in importance and amount of people to happened the September 11 of 1973, when outside overthrown the President of Chile, Salvador Allende, who outside lowered by the military troopses of August Pinochet commander, dictator and president. Now the “Hope” camping shelters around 1300 journalists and 300 means of press who arrived at this region of the country to daily inform every minute about the rescue of the 33 miners catched to 700 meters into depth in the desert of Atacama and whose happy outcome today indicates to Chile like a great country and to Sebastián Piñera like a great and more famous President of the world.
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