D-Oberhausen, Ruhr area, North Rhine-Westphalia, villa of the colliery Concordia, Late renaissance, Mannerism, nowadays seat of the "International Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen", short movie, short film, earlier founded as "Westdeutsche Kurzfilmtage", Route of Industrial Heritage, outdoor photograph, outdoor shot, outdoor view, outside, outside view, place of interest, profusion, residential building, rich, richly, richness, roof, route of industrial heritage, sandstone, seat, sky, sky blue, sky-blue, social, social system, socially, societal, spring, springlike, springtime, stone, stone building, substantial, summer, summertime, summery, the cinema, the movies, tour, tourism, touristic, town, town view, townscape, trade, trade and industry, travel, travelling, trip, upper class, upper-class, very well-off, way of life, wealth, wealthily, wealthiness, wealthy, weather, well-off, well-to-do, wide, World, World location, World travel, worth, worth seeing, admin buildings, administration buildings, administrative buildings, arts, assets, attractions, buildings, cities, city views, cityscapes, civil houses, colors, colours, cupolas, domes, houses, journeys, lifeforms, locations, luxuries, movies, office blocks, office buildings, Offices, outdoor photographs, outdoor shots, outdoor views, outside views, residential buildings, riches, roofs, sights, skies, tours, town views, towns, townscapes, travels, trips, upper classes, upper-classes, villas, World locations, as, of, the, Kurzfilmtage, Concordia, Westdeutsche, Direktorenvilla, Industriekultur, NRW, Ruhrgebiet, Zeche, 1954, Architektur, Buerogebaeude, Dach, Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Gruendung, Himmel, Internationale, Kultur, Mannierismus, Natur, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Reichtum, Ruhr, Sitz, Spaetrenaissance, Steinbau, Unternehmervilla, Wetter, Wohngebaeude, 19., 19. Jahrhundert, Attraktion, aussen, Aussenansicht, Aussenaufnahme, Bau, Baugeschichte, Baumaterial, Bauwerk, blau, blauer Himmel, Buergerhaus, Buero, Decke, DEU