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Troops from C. Company 1 Para patrol the jungle north of Lungi Airport in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon insisted British troops will not be drawn into the civil war in Sierra Leone despite reports suggesting their role may be widened. *.. to resupply pro-government forces in the west African country. Speaking to the House of Commons, Mr Hoon said the British paratroopers' role was expected to end next month once the United Nations mission in the country had been reinforced. 01/01/2001: The commanding officer of the UK contingent Brigadier Jonathan Riley said that British troops will remain in Sierra Leone until the war against the west African state's rebel army is won. He said that British forces could expect to remain in the country at their present levels until the end of 2001, and then be scaled down to a much lower level. His comments are likely to rekindle the row over the extent of Britain's involvement in the war-torn state. 9/2/02: Prime Minister Tony Blair was visiting Sierra Leone on the latest leg of his four-day African tour - seeing at first hand how peacekeeping missions in partnership with local states can work. Mr Blair was due to arrive at Lunghi airport, outside the capital Freetown, for talks with President Kabbah following Britain's intervention in its former colony. West African troops have played a leading role in peacekeeping efforts there, under a UN mandate.
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