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The Creator of the TV show 'Thunderbirds' Gerry Anderson says farewell to two of his most famous puppets, Lady Penelope and Parker at Planet Hollywood in London. The puppets are due to be sold at Fleetwood Owen's first celebrity film and entertainment auction. * At The Movies on 31/7/01. Lady Penelope is expected fetch between 12, 000 -14, 000, and Parker is expected to fetch between 30, 000 - 40, 000. 11/07/02 The puppets are due to be sold at Fleetwood Owen's first celebrity film and entertainment auction. Cult television and film paraphernalia, including a restored Thunderbirds puppet head, was today going under the hammer. The cache of toys includes Disney characters made in the 1930s of Mickey Mouse, selling for between 1, 500 to 2, 000, and girlfriend Minnie, who is expected to reach 400 to 600.
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