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A bogus cremation for the benefit of the life-long Democrats. Illustration shows a group of men, some identified by name Blackburn, DB Hill, Mclaughlin, Thurman, Jones, Hedden, and Hendricks and some by association with quills behind their ears Sun Charles A. Dana, Cincinnati Enquirer John R. McLean, World Joseph Pulitzer, and Star, with the newspaper editors pushing a wrapped figure labeled This is the Mugwump! And don't you forget it! into a crematorium labeled Bourbon Crematory for Disbelievers in the Spoils System; Hendricks stands on the right, next to an urn labeled For Mugwump Ashes and the others observe from the left. Puck and the figure representing The Independent Party are watching from a window in the background. Date 1885 November 18. A bogus cremation for the benefit of the life-long Democrats. Illustration shows a group of men, some identified by name Blackburn, DB Hill, Mclaughlin, Thurman, Jones, Hedden, and Hendricks and some by association with quills behind their ears Sun Charles A. Dana, Cincinnati Enquirer John R. McLean, World Joseph Pulitzer, and Star, with the newspaper editors pushing a wrapped figure labeled This is the Mugwump! And don't you forget it! into a crematorium labeled Bourbon Crematory for Disbelievers in the Spoils System; Hendricks stands on the right, next to an urn labeled For Mugwump Ashes and the others observe from the left. Puck and the figure representing The Independent Party are watching from a window in the background. Date 1885 November 18. Date:
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