Photo macro de la fleur de saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia) qui pousse sur la toundra de Svalbard en Norvège. Navire de croisière d'expédition Greg Mortimer à Svalbard
8256 x 5504 px | 69,9 x 46,6 cm | 27,5 x 18,3 inches | 300dpi
Date de la prise de vue:
19 janvier 2023
Informations supplémentaires:
Macro photo of saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia) flower growing on the Svalbard tundra in Norway. Expedition cruise vessel Greg Mortimer in Svalbard archipelago, Arctic Norway. This is the only Saxifraga in Svalbard with purple flowers, and non-flowering plants are also easily distinguished from all other Svalbard plants by their opposite, sessile, thick (evergreen) and more or less triangular leaves with a pore (hydathode), seen as a white dot, in the apex. Growing in a wide range of environments such as heaths and meadows, river and sea terraces, river bars, patterned ground, on tussocks in mires, cliffs, and scree. Often dominating along with Dryas octopetala in semi-dry heath vegetation. On well to poorly drained, mixed or fine textured soils with weakly acidic to basic soil reaction (pH). Growing in moderately exposed sites with wind abrasion (plants then often tussocky) but also in rather protected moderate snow beds with shortened growing season (plants then mostly mat-forming). Probably not much grazed by reindeer or geese.