Les gens en chemises rouges Coca-Cola distribuant des canettes de cola aux passants lors d'une journée chaude à la gare centrale d'Helsinki, en Finlande Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/les-gens-en-chemises-rouges-coca-cola-distribuant-des-canettes-de-cola-aux-passants-lors-d-une-journee-chaude-a-la-gare-centrale-d-helsinki-en-finlande-image435376093.html
RF2G892J5–Les gens en chemises rouges Coca-Cola distribuant des canettes de cola aux passants lors d'une journée chaude à la gare centrale d'Helsinki, en Finlande
4 employés du NYC Department of Park à Kissena Park distribuant gratuitement des masques chirurgicaux. À Flushing, Queens, New York Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/4-employes-du-nyc-department-of-park-a-kissena-park-distribuant-gratuitement-des-masques-chirurgicaux-a-flushing-queens-new-york-image368761891.html
RM2CBXFFF–4 employés du NYC Department of Park à Kissena Park distribuant gratuitement des masques chirurgicaux. À Flushing, Queens, New York
Patient remettant le formulaire d'enregistrement à la réception dans un cabinet médical Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/patient-remettant-le-formulaire-d-enregistrement-a-la-reception-dans-un-cabinet-medical-image340961973.html
RF2APM4D9–Patient remettant le formulaire d'enregistrement à la réception dans un cabinet médical
Livreurs avec des paquets dans des t-shirts rouges isolés sur fond blanc Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/livreurs-avec-des-paquets-dans-des-t-shirts-rouges-isoles-sur-fond-blanc-image596958634.html
RF2WK5PR6–Livreurs avec des paquets dans des t-shirts rouges isolés sur fond blanc
'Dubai, Dubaï/Emirats Arabes Unis - 4/6/2019 : Magnifique Africaine (Kenya et Tanzanie) shirts ou traditionnelle remise des vêtements colorés pour saleat Globa Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/dubai-dubai-emirats-arabes-unis-4-6-2019-magnifique-africaine-kenya-et-tanzanie-shirts-ou-traditionnelle-remise-des-vetements-colores-pour-saleat-globa-image245051464.html
RFT6K1J0–'Dubai, Dubaï/Emirats Arabes Unis - 4/6/2019 : Magnifique Africaine (Kenya et Tanzanie) shirts ou traditionnelle remise des vêtements colorés pour saleat Globa
Remise de blanchisserie sèche au Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai, Inde Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/remise-de-blanchisserie-seche-au-dhobi-ghat-mumbai-inde-image69267859.html
RME0KBT3–Remise de blanchisserie sèche au Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai, Inde
Un homme plus âgé dans une chemise blanche remet un dossier Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/un-homme-plus-age-dans-une-chemise-blanche-remet-un-dossier-image619397640.html
RM2XYM008–Un homme plus âgé dans une chemise blanche remet un dossier
Vêtements Femme déballage à un marché rural, près de Sa Pa, Vietnam du Nord Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-vetements-femme-deballage-a-un-marche-rural-pres-de-sa-pa-vietnam-du-nord-125826905.html
RMH8KWE1–Vêtements Femme déballage à un marché rural, près de Sa Pa, Vietnam du Nord
Hangar jeune homme bonne année Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/hangar-jeune-homme-bonne-annee-image502618308.html
RF2M5M6NT–Hangar jeune homme bonne année
Tolga Bat remise volontaire de l'hôpital peu rouge flying fox (Pteropus scapulatus) bébé comme il rabat ses ailes, Tolga bat l'hôpital, Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-tolga-bat-remise-volontaire-de-l-hopital-peu-rouge-flying-fox-pteropus-scapulatus-bebe-comme-il-rabat-ses-ailes-tolga-bat-l-hopital-109651141.html
RMGAB145–Tolga Bat remise volontaire de l'hôpital peu rouge flying fox (Pteropus scapulatus) bébé comme il rabat ses ailes, Tolga bat l'hôpital,
Le Roller Boogie Palace de Flipper est un magasin de marchandises de marque situé dans les jardins de la Manche du Rockefeller Center, New York City, USA 2022 Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/le-roller-boogie-palace-de-flipper-est-un-magasin-de-marchandises-de-marque-situe-dans-les-jardins-de-la-manche-du-rockefeller-center-new-york-city-usa-2022-image468293166.html
RM2J5TGKX–Le Roller Boogie Palace de Flipper est un magasin de marchandises de marque situé dans les jardins de la Manche du Rockefeller Center, New York City, USA 2022
Gros plan de la main de fille donnant des clés à son père Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/gros-plan-de-la-main-de-fille-donnant-des-cles-a-son-pere-image344995355.html
RF2B17W2K–Gros plan de la main de fille donnant des clés à son père
Des personnes volontaires portant des t-shirts bleus servant gratuitement de la nourriture fraîchement préparée et des provisions aux personnes confrontées à la faim et à la pauvreté. Hommes et femmes travailleurs caritatifs distribuant des repas chauds aux nécessiteux. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/des-personnes-volontaires-portant-des-t-shirts-bleus-servant-gratuitement-de-la-nourriture-fraichement-preparee-et-des-provisions-aux-personnes-confrontees-a-la-faim-et-a-la-pauvrete-hommes-et-femmes-travailleurs-caritatifs-distribuant-des-repas-chauds-aux-necessiteux-image573770706.html
RF2T9DEAX–Des personnes volontaires portant des t-shirts bleus servant gratuitement de la nourriture fraîchement préparée et des provisions aux personnes confrontées à la faim et à la pauvreté. Hommes et femmes travailleurs caritatifs distribuant des repas chauds aux nécessiteux.
Homme travaillant à la lessive, Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai, Inde Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/homme-travaillant-a-la-lessive-dhobi-ghat-mumbai-inde-image69267977.html
RME0KC09–Homme travaillant à la lessive, Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai, Inde
L'équipe de l'examen de documents d'affaires Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-l-equipe-de-l-examen-de-documents-d-affaires-93344570.html
RFFBT5XJ–L'équipe de l'examen de documents d'affaires
Londres, Royaume-Uni. 23rd avril 2023. TCS 2023 London Marathon ; Un volontaire aime un snack avant de distribuer des t-shirts aux finisseurs crédit: Action plus Sports/Alay Live News Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/londres-royaume-uni-23rd-avril-2023-tcs-2023-london-marathon-un-volontaire-aime-un-snack-avant-de-distribuer-des-t-shirts-aux-finisseurs-credit-action-plus-sports-alay-live-news-image547354834.html
RM2PPE4JX–Londres, Royaume-Uni. 23rd avril 2023. TCS 2023 London Marathon ; Un volontaire aime un snack avant de distribuer des t-shirts aux finisseurs crédit: Action plus Sports/Alay Live News
Man paiement par carte de crédit Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-man-paiement-par-carte-de-credit-25229620.html
RFBD18HT–Man paiement par carte de crédit
Les membres de la 436e équipe de défense de la famille de l'aile Airlift posent pour une photo tout en distribuant des ressources et des chemises de prévention de la violence envers les enfants aux enseignants du Centre de la jeunesse de la base aérienne de Douvres, Delaware, le 8 avril 2021. Chaque mois d'avril, durant le mois national de la prévention de la violence envers les enfants, l'équipe sensibilise davantage les familles pour les aider à prospérer et à prévenir la maltraitance envers les enfants. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/les-membres-de-la-436e-equipe-de-defense-de-la-famille-de-l-aile-airlift-posent-pour-une-photo-tout-en-distribuant-des-ressources-et-des-chemises-de-prevention-de-la-violence-envers-les-enfants-aux-enseignants-du-centre-de-la-jeunesse-de-la-base-aerienne-de-douvres-delaware-le-8-avril-2021-chaque-mois-d-avril-durant-le-mois-national-de-la-prevention-de-la-violence-envers-les-enfants-l-equipe-sensibilise-davantage-les-familles-pour-les-aider-a-prosperer-et-a-prevenir-la-maltraitance-envers-les-enfants-image442277877.html
RM2GKFDXD–Les membres de la 436e équipe de défense de la famille de l'aile Airlift posent pour une photo tout en distribuant des ressources et des chemises de prévention de la violence envers les enfants aux enseignants du Centre de la jeunesse de la base aérienne de Douvres, Delaware, le 8 avril 2021. Chaque mois d'avril, durant le mois national de la prévention de la violence envers les enfants, l'équipe sensibilise davantage les familles pour les aider à prospérer et à prévenir la maltraitance envers les enfants.
Londres, Royaume-Uni. 28 août 2021. Un couple protestant en t-shirts et autocollants assortis, lors de la marche pour la liberté médicale contre les passeports vaccinaux, des vaccins mandatés pour les travailleurs de soins et des vaccins pour les enfants. Les manifestants croient en la liberté de choix et que les vaccins sont dangereux. À l'approche de la nouvelle année scolaire, les manifestants distribuent des dépliants et tentent de sensibiliser le public. Crédit : SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/londres-royaume-uni-28-aout-2021-un-couple-protestant-en-t-shirts-et-autocollants-assortis-lors-de-la-marche-pour-la-liberte-medicale-contre-les-passeports-vaccinaux-des-vaccins-mandates-pour-les-travailleurs-de-soins-et-des-vaccins-pour-les-enfants-les-manifestants-croient-en-la-liberte-de-choix-et-que-les-vaccins-sont-dangereux-a-l-approche-de-la-nouvelle-annee-scolaire-les-manifestants-distribuent-des-depliants-et-tentent-de-sensibiliser-le-public-credit-sopa-images-limited-alamy-live-news-image440194524.html
RM2GG4GH0–Londres, Royaume-Uni. 28 août 2021. Un couple protestant en t-shirts et autocollants assortis, lors de la marche pour la liberté médicale contre les passeports vaccinaux, des vaccins mandatés pour les travailleurs de soins et des vaccins pour les enfants. Les manifestants croient en la liberté de choix et que les vaccins sont dangereux. À l'approche de la nouvelle année scolaire, les manifestants distribuent des dépliants et tentent de sensibiliser le public. Crédit : SOPA Images Limited/Alamy Live News
Des années 1970, deux garçons de ferme chez T-SHIRTS ET JEANS BLEU VOL GRANDE PASTÈQUE À PARTIR D'UN JARDIN Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-des-annees-1970-deux-garcons-de-ferme-chez-t-shirts-et-jeans-bleu-vol-grande-pasteque-a-partir-d-un-jardin-49525944.html
Boy handing ami assiette de viande grillée Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-boy-handing-ami-assiette-de-viande-grillee-12870593.html
RFABEM0J–Boy handing ami assiette de viande grillée
Munich, Allemagne. 25 avril 2021. Bianca Rech (responsable sportif) distribuant des chemises signées au Groundswomen après le match de l'UEFA Women's Champions League entre le FC Bayern Munich et le FC Chelsea au campus du FC Bayern, en Allemagne. Crédit: SPP Sport presse photo. /Alamy Live News Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/munich-allemagne-25-avril-2021-bianca-rech-responsable-sportif-distribuant-des-chemises-signees-au-groundswomen-apres-le-match-de-l-uefa-womens-champions-league-entre-le-fc-bayern-munich-et-le-fc-chelsea-au-campus-du-fc-bayern-en-allemagne-credit-spp-sport-presse-photo-alamy-live-news-image424638658.html
RM2FJRXXA–Munich, Allemagne. 25 avril 2021. Bianca Rech (responsable sportif) distribuant des chemises signées au Groundswomen après le match de l'UEFA Women's Champions League entre le FC Bayern Munich et le FC Chelsea au campus du FC Bayern, en Allemagne. Crédit: SPP Sport presse photo. /Alamy Live News
Boy handing ami assiette de viande grillée Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-boy-handing-ami-assiette-de-viande-grillee-12257164.html
RFA95E9H–Boy handing ami assiette de viande grillée
'Dubai, Dubaï/Emirats Arabes Unis - 4/6/2019 : Magnifique Africaine (Kenya et Tanzanie) shirts ou traditionnelle remise des vêtements colorés pour saleat Globa Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/dubai-dubai-emirats-arabes-unis-4-6-2019-magnifique-africaine-kenya-et-tanzanie-shirts-ou-traditionnelle-remise-des-vetements-colores-pour-saleat-globa-image245051393.html
RFT6K1FD–'Dubai, Dubaï/Emirats Arabes Unis - 4/6/2019 : Magnifique Africaine (Kenya et Tanzanie) shirts ou traditionnelle remise des vêtements colorés pour saleat Globa
Londres, Royaume-Uni. 28 août 2021. Un couple protestant en t-shirts et autocollants assortis, lors de la marche pour la liberté médicale contre les passeports vaccinaux, des vaccins mandatés pour les travailleurs de soins et des vaccins pour les enfants. Les manifestants croient en la liberté de choix et que les vaccins sont dangereux. À l'approche de la nouvelle année scolaire, les manifestants distribuent des dépliants et tentent de sensibiliser le public. (Photo de Martin Pope/SOPA Images/Sipa USA) crédit: SIPA USA/Alay Live News Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/londres-royaume-uni-28-aout-2021-un-couple-protestant-en-t-shirts-et-autocollants-assortis-lors-de-la-marche-pour-la-liberte-medicale-contre-les-passeports-vaccinaux-des-vaccins-mandates-pour-les-travailleurs-de-soins-et-des-vaccins-pour-les-enfants-les-manifestants-croient-en-la-liberte-de-choix-et-que-les-vaccins-sont-dangereux-a-l-approche-de-la-nouvelle-annee-scolaire-les-manifestants-distribuent-des-depliants-et-tentent-de-sensibiliser-le-public-photo-de-martin-pope-sopa-images-sipa-usa-credit-sipa-usa-alay-live-news-image440194908.html
RM2GG4H2M–Londres, Royaume-Uni. 28 août 2021. Un couple protestant en t-shirts et autocollants assortis, lors de la marche pour la liberté médicale contre les passeports vaccinaux, des vaccins mandatés pour les travailleurs de soins et des vaccins pour les enfants. Les manifestants croient en la liberté de choix et que les vaccins sont dangereux. À l'approche de la nouvelle année scolaire, les manifestants distribuent des dépliants et tentent de sensibiliser le public. (Photo de Martin Pope/SOPA Images/Sipa USA) crédit: SIPA USA/Alay Live News
Remettre l'homme teen girl verre de vin au cours de repas Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-remettre-l-homme-teen-girl-verre-de-vin-au-cours-de-repas-12870576.html
RFABEKXW–Remettre l'homme teen girl verre de vin au cours de repas
Femme professionnelle remise clés pour jeune couple Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-femme-professionnelle-remise-cles-pour-jeune-couple-10598202.html
RFA2W4XK–Femme professionnelle remise clés pour jeune couple
Hangar jeune homme bonne année Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/hangar-jeune-homme-bonne-annee-image502618318.html
RF2M5M6P6–Hangar jeune homme bonne année
Un homme de remettre la corde à son compagnon de cordée avant de démarrer un itinéraire d'escalade. La petite fumée Bluffs, Squamish, BC, Canada. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/un-homme-de-remettre-la-corde-a-son-compagnon-de-cordee-avant-de-demarrer-un-itineraire-d-escalade-la-petite-fumee-bluffs-squamish-bc-canada-image243087334.html
RMT3DGAE–Un homme de remettre la corde à son compagnon de cordée avant de démarrer un itinéraire d'escalade. La petite fumée Bluffs, Squamish, BC, Canada.
Le Roller Boogie Palace de Flipper est un magasin de marchandises de marque situé dans les jardins de la Manche du Rockefeller Center, New York City, USA 2022 Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/le-roller-boogie-palace-de-flipper-est-un-magasin-de-marchandises-de-marque-situe-dans-les-jardins-de-la-manche-du-rockefeller-center-new-york-city-usa-2022-image468293162.html
RM2J5TGKP–Le Roller Boogie Palace de Flipper est un magasin de marchandises de marque situé dans les jardins de la Manche du Rockefeller Center, New York City, USA 2022
Homme mûr en remettant un autre homme un presse-papiers tout en étant assis dans un bureau. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/homme-mur-en-remettant-un-autre-homme-un-presse-papiers-tout-en-etant-assis-dans-un-bureau-image348401031.html
RF2B6R11Y–Homme mûr en remettant un autre homme un presse-papiers tout en étant assis dans un bureau.
De généreux volontaires portant des t-shirts bleus donnent des repas gratuits et une aide humanitaire à ceux qui en ont besoin. Les pauvres et les sans-abri de toutes races sont nourris par l'organisation à but non lucratif. Vue latérale, portable. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/de-genereux-volontaires-portant-des-t-shirts-bleus-donnent-des-repas-gratuits-et-une-aide-humanitaire-a-ceux-qui-en-ont-besoin-les-pauvres-et-les-sans-abri-de-toutes-races-sont-nourris-par-l-organisation-a-but-non-lucratif-vue-laterale-portable-image606974181.html
RF2X7E1N9–De généreux volontaires portant des t-shirts bleus donnent des repas gratuits et une aide humanitaire à ceux qui en ont besoin. Les pauvres et les sans-abri de toutes races sont nourris par l'organisation à but non lucratif. Vue latérale, portable.
Journée ordinaire au Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai, Inde Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/journee-ordinaire-au-dhobi-ghat-mumbai-inde-image69268014.html
RFE0KC1J–Journée ordinaire au Dhobi Ghat, Mumbai, Inde
Jeune femme d'atteindre l'entreprise rouge t-shirts qui suspendre pour sécher dans une brise d'été sur une ligne de vêtements. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-jeune-femme-d-atteindre-l-entreprise-rouge-t-shirts-qui-suspendre-pour-secher-dans-une-brise-d-ete-sur-une-ligne-de-vetements-54788878.html
RFD53RNJ–Jeune femme d'atteindre l'entreprise rouge t-shirts qui suspendre pour sécher dans une brise d'été sur une ligne de vêtements.
En face de l'autre couple, man holding shirt femme, lui tendant le fer Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/en-face-de-l-autre-couple-man-holding-shirt-femme-lui-tendant-le-fer-image5432342.html
RFAWRG17–En face de l'autre couple, man holding shirt femme, lui tendant le fer
T shirts pendu dans une grange convertie intérieur Powys Pays de Galles Royaume Uni Europe Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-t-shirts-pendu-dans-une-grange-convertie-interieur-powys-pays-de-galles-royaume-uni-europe-22138727.html
RMB80E4R–T shirts pendu dans une grange convertie intérieur Powys Pays de Galles Royaume Uni Europe
Remise sur corde à linge Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-remise-sur-corde-a-linge-39306512.html
RFC7XFT0–Remise sur corde à linge
Les bénévoles avec Tee Shirts 4 parler des troupes avec des concurrents dans le département de la défense de 2016 Jeux de guerrier tout en distribuant des T-shirts à l'Académie militaire de West Point, (New York), 12 juin 2016. L'organisation, qui est parrainé par DC et Marvel Comics a fait don de près de 20 000 chemises à plus de 11 000 soldats blessés au combat dans le monde entier. (U.S. Photo de l'armée par le sergent. Jeff VanWey) Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/les-benevoles-avec-tee-shirts-4-parler-des-troupes-avec-des-concurrents-dans-le-departement-de-la-defense-de-2016-jeux-de-guerrier-tout-en-distribuant-des-t-shirts-a-l-academie-militaire-de-west-point-new-york-12-juin-2016-l-organisation-qui-est-parraine-par-dc-et-marvel-comics-a-fait-don-de-pres-de-20-000-chemises-a-plus-de-11-000-soldats-blesses-au-combat-dans-le-monde-entier-u-s-photo-de-l-armee-par-le-sergent-jeff-vanwey-image209064386.html
RMP43KN6–Les bénévoles avec Tee Shirts 4 parler des troupes avec des concurrents dans le département de la défense de 2016 Jeux de guerrier tout en distribuant des T-shirts à l'Académie militaire de West Point, (New York), 12 juin 2016. L'organisation, qui est parrainé par DC et Marvel Comics a fait don de près de 20 000 chemises à plus de 11 000 soldats blessés au combat dans le monde entier. (U.S. Photo de l'armée par le sergent. Jeff VanWey)
Munich, Allemagne. 25 avril 2021. Bianca Rech (responsable sportif) distribuant des chemises signées au Groundswomen après le match de l'UEFA Women's Champions League entre le FC Bayern Munich et le FC Chelsea au campus du FC Bayern, en Allemagne. Crédit: SPP Sport presse photo. /Alamy Live News Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/munich-allemagne-25-avril-2021-bianca-rech-responsable-sportif-distribuant-des-chemises-signees-au-groundswomen-apres-le-match-de-l-uefa-womens-champions-league-entre-le-fc-bayern-munich-et-le-fc-chelsea-au-campus-du-fc-bayern-en-allemagne-credit-spp-sport-presse-photo-alamy-live-news-image424638683.html
RM2FJRXY7–Munich, Allemagne. 25 avril 2021. Bianca Rech (responsable sportif) distribuant des chemises signées au Groundswomen après le match de l'UEFA Women's Champions League entre le FC Bayern Munich et le FC Chelsea au campus du FC Bayern, en Allemagne. Crédit: SPP Sport presse photo. /Alamy Live News
Remise de cadeaux homme femme Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/remise-de-cadeaux-homme-femme-image6972660.html
RFA8YJR5–Remise de cadeaux homme femme
L'équipe de plantation de mangroves CRINEO Rhzophora la plantation d'arbres de mangrove du lac Pulicat Tamil Nadu Inde Février 2013. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-l-equipe-de-plantation-de-mangroves-crineo-rhzophora-la-plantation-d-arbres-de-mangrove-du-lac-pulicat-tamil-nadu-inde-fevrier-2013-78770868.html
RMEG4918–L'équipe de plantation de mangroves CRINEO Rhzophora la plantation d'arbres de mangrove du lac Pulicat Tamil Nadu Inde Février 2013.
Cadeau femme fils adulte donnant Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-cadeau-femme-fils-adulte-donnant-26002582.html
RMBE8EFJ–Cadeau femme fils adulte donnant
Jeune femme documents de prêt, parlant au téléphone Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-jeune-femme-documents-de-pret-parlant-au-telephone-12009179.html
RFA8747T–Jeune femme documents de prêt, parlant au téléphone
L'homme de payer pour l'achat avec carte de crédit, portrait, close-up Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-l-homme-de-payer-pour-l-achat-avec-carte-de-credit-portrait-close-up-25965563.html
RFBE6R9F–L'homme de payer pour l'achat avec carte de crédit, portrait, close-up
Hangar jeune homme bonne année Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/hangar-jeune-homme-bonne-annee-image502618303.html
RF2M5M6NK–Hangar jeune homme bonne année
Germany comme femme accepte les clés à partir de deuxième femme Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-germany-comme-femme-accepte-les-cles-a-partir-de-deuxieme-femme-10598155.html
RFA2W4PM–Germany comme femme accepte les clés à partir de deuxième femme
Jeune homme la remise de la carte de crédit pour payer dans le Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/jeune-homme-la-remise-de-la-carte-de-credit-pour-payer-dans-le-image7938480.html
RFAFB8Y1–Jeune homme la remise de la carte de crédit pour payer dans le
Smiling young man holding a bouquet de fleurs à l'intérieur d'une chambre dans sa maison. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/smiling-young-man-holding-a-bouquet-de-fleurs-a-l-interieur-d-une-chambre-dans-sa-maison-image223761647.html
RFR0167B–Smiling young man holding a bouquet de fleurs à l'intérieur d'une chambre dans sa maison.
Des personnes multiethniques en t-shirts bleus, rassemblées à l'extérieur pour distribuer des dons de nourriture et aider les sans-abri et les affamés. Concentrez-vous sur les bénévoles servant des repas gratuits et fraîchement préparés aux personnes nécessiteuses. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/des-personnes-multiethniques-en-t-shirts-bleus-rassemblees-a-l-exterieur-pour-distribuer-des-dons-de-nourriture-et-aider-les-sans-abri-et-les-affames-concentrez-vous-sur-les-benevoles-servant-des-repas-gratuits-et-fraichement-prepares-aux-personnes-necessiteuses-image573770705.html
RF2T9DEAW–Des personnes multiethniques en t-shirts bleus, rassemblées à l'extérieur pour distribuer des dons de nourriture et aider les sans-abri et les affamés. Concentrez-vous sur les bénévoles servant des repas gratuits et fraîchement préparés aux personnes nécessiteuses.
Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-une-petition-signee-par-750-000-personnes-est-remise-au-numero-10-appelant-a-plus-de-soins-et-de-protection-des-enfants-victimes-de-la-traite-37602288.html
RMC54X2T–Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite
Businesswoman handing documents à un collègue Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-businesswoman-handing-documents-a-un-collegue-24531710.html
RMBBWECE–Businesswoman handing documents à un collègue
La distribution de certains t-shirts par 1st Armored Division et Fort Bliss Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-la-distribution-de-certains-t-shirts-par-1st-armored-division-et-fort-bliss-173736923.html
RMM2JB63–La distribution de certains t-shirts par 1st Armored Division et Fort Bliss
Remise de cadeaux homme femme Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/remise-de-cadeaux-homme-femme-image6972671.html
Receptionist handing stylo pour delivery man Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/receptionist-handing-stylo-pour-delivery-man-image8504598.html
RFAK4HN7–Receptionist handing stylo pour delivery man
Hangar jeune homme bonne année Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/hangar-jeune-homme-bonne-annee-image502618329.html
RF2M5M6PH–Hangar jeune homme bonne année
Boy handing woman présente à côté de l'arbre de Noël Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/boy-handing-woman-presente-a-cote-de-l-arbre-de-noel-image8932895.html
RFAP08J0–Boy handing woman présente à côté de l'arbre de Noël
Teen boys listening to earphones Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-teen-boys-listening-to-earphones-10597912.html
RFA2W42H–Teen boys listening to earphones
Man tending barbecue, tandis que femme contient jusqu'verre de vin pour lui Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-man-tending-barbecue-tandis-que-femme-contient-jusqu-verre-de-vin-pour-lui-12870649.html
RFABEM4X–Man tending barbecue, tandis que femme contient jusqu'verre de vin pour lui
Équipe multiraciale travaillant ensemble à la collecte de nourriture, distribuant charitablement des articles essentiels aux moins fortunés. Personnes multiethniques portant des t-shirts bleus pour soulager la faim et aider les bénévoles. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/equipe-multiraciale-travaillant-ensemble-a-la-collecte-de-nourriture-distribuant-charitablement-des-articles-essentiels-aux-moins-fortunes-personnes-multiethniques-portant-des-t-shirts-bleus-pour-soulager-la-faim-et-aider-les-benevoles-image605232351.html
RF2X4JM13–Équipe multiraciale travaillant ensemble à la collecte de nourriture, distribuant charitablement des articles essentiels aux moins fortunés. Personnes multiethniques portant des t-shirts bleus pour soulager la faim et aider les bénévoles.
L'échange de cadres business card cocktail Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/l-echange-de-cadres-business-card-cocktail-image9876387.html
RFA04CKG–L'échange de cadres business card cocktail
Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-une-petition-signee-par-750-000-personnes-est-remise-au-numero-10-appelant-a-plus-de-soins-et-de-protection-des-enfants-victimes-de-la-traite-37602515.html
RMC54XAY–Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite
Man tending barbecue, tandis que femme contient jusqu'verre de vin pour lui Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-man-tending-barbecue-tandis-que-femme-contient-jusqu-verre-de-vin-pour-lui-12870647.html
RFABEM4T–Man tending barbecue, tandis que femme contient jusqu'verre de vin pour lui
Des volontaires lors d'une manifestation de distribution de denrées alimentaires qui donnent généreusement des fournitures essentielles aux nécessiteux. Des personnes de diverses ethnies dans des t-shirts bleus offrant une aide de soulagement de la faim par le biais du bénévolat. Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/des-volontaires-lors-d-une-manifestation-de-distribution-de-denrees-alimentaires-qui-donnent-genereusement-des-fournitures-essentielles-aux-necessiteux-des-personnes-de-diverses-ethnies-dans-des-t-shirts-bleus-offrant-une-aide-de-soulagement-de-la-faim-par-le-biais-du-benevolat-image606975169.html
RF2X7E30H–Des volontaires lors d'une manifestation de distribution de denrées alimentaires qui donnent généreusement des fournitures essentielles aux nécessiteux. Des personnes de diverses ethnies dans des t-shirts bleus offrant une aide de soulagement de la faim par le biais du bénévolat.
L'échange de cadres business card cocktail Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/l-echange-de-cadres-business-card-cocktail-image9876386.html
RFA04CJY–L'échange de cadres business card cocktail
Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-une-petition-signee-par-750-000-personnes-est-remise-au-numero-10-appelant-a-plus-de-soins-et-de-protection-des-enfants-victimes-de-la-traite-37602543.html
RMC54XBY–Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite
Little girl holding out sauter à la corde vers la caméra Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-little-girl-holding-out-sauter-a-la-corde-vers-la-camera-11758098.html
RFA78D0K–Little girl holding out sauter à la corde vers la caméra
Couple standing par barbecue, woman holding glass of wine, les deux rient Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-couple-standing-par-barbecue-woman-holding-glass-of-wine-les-deux-rient-12870651.html
RFABEM5G–Couple standing par barbecue, woman holding glass of wine, les deux rient
Employé aidant le client dans la boutique de mode de luxe, l'aidant à essayer des vêtements élégants. Travailleur afro-américain remettant client convenant blazer d'hommes de haute classe dans un magasin de vêtements à la mode Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/employe-aidant-le-client-dans-la-boutique-de-mode-de-luxe-l-aidant-a-essayer-des-vetements-elegants-travailleur-afro-americain-remettant-client-convenant-blazer-d-hommes-de-haute-classe-dans-un-magasin-de-vetements-a-la-mode-image607088167.html
RF2X7K747–Employé aidant le client dans la boutique de mode de luxe, l'aidant à essayer des vêtements élégants. Travailleur afro-américain remettant client convenant blazer d'hommes de haute classe dans un magasin de vêtements à la mode
Woman holding business card cocktail, high angle view Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/woman-holding-business-card-cocktail-high-angle-view-image9876920.html
RFA04E7N–Woman holding business card cocktail, high angle view
Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-une-petition-signee-par-750-000-personnes-est-remise-au-numero-10-appelant-a-plus-de-soins-et-de-protection-des-enfants-victimes-de-la-traite-37602334.html
RMC54X4E–Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite
L'échange d'affaires business card party Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/l-echange-d-affaires-business-card-party-image9876904.html
RFA04E6H–L'échange d'affaires business card party
Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-une-petition-signee-par-750-000-personnes-est-remise-au-numero-10-appelant-a-plus-de-soins-et-de-protection-des-enfants-victimes-de-la-traite-37602563.html
RMC54XCK–Une pétition signée par 750 000 personnes est remise au numéro 10 appelant à plus de soins et de protection des enfants victimes de la traite
Groupe de jeunes amis adultes snacking Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/groupe-de-jeunes-amis-adultes-snacking-image7768751.html
RFAE7MY0–Groupe de jeunes amis adultes snacking
Girl smiling, prendre les plaques de man's hands Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/girl-smiling-prendre-les-plaques-de-mans-hands-image6329482.html
RFA4M0TB–Girl smiling, prendre les plaques de man's hands
Homme mature sont remis ensemble de clefs Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/photo-image-homme-mature-sont-remis-ensemble-de-clefs-11757048.html
RFA789TW–Homme mature sont remis ensemble de clefs
Boy reaching out forfait réception Banque D'Imageshttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamyimages.fr/boy-reaching-out-forfait-reception-image6330969.html
RFA4M8NA–Boy reaching out forfait réception
London, UK. 10 Dec 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt as the artist arrives and is welcomed by a bell ringing top hatted security guard - - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the arti Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10-dec-2024-fans-queue-at-teh-shop-to-buy-a-t-shirt-as-the-artist-arrives-and-is-welcomed-by-a-bell-ringing-top-hatted-security-guard-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-arti-image635164725.html
RM2YWA72D–London, UK. 10 Dec 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt as the artist arrives and is welcomed by a bell ringing top hatted security guard - - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the arti
London, UK. 10 Dec 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt as the artist arrives and is welcomed by a bell ringing top hatted security guard - - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the arti Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10-dec-2024-fans-queue-at-teh-shop-to-buy-a-t-shirt-as-the-artist-arrives-and-is-welcomed-by-a-bell-ringing-top-hatted-security-guard-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-arti-image635164718.html
RM2YWA726–London, UK. 10 Dec 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt as the artist arrives and is welcomed by a bell ringing top hatted security guard - - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the arti
London, UK. 10 Dec 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt as the artist arrives and is welcomed by a bell ringing top hatted security guard - - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the arti Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10-dec-2024-fans-queue-at-teh-shop-to-buy-a-t-shirt-as-the-artist-arrives-and-is-welcomed-by-a-bell-ringing-top-hatted-security-guard-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-arti-image635164719.html
RM2YWA727–London, UK. 10 Dec 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt as the artist arrives and is welcomed by a bell ringing top hatted security guard - - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the arti
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-fans-queue-at-teh-shop-to-buy-a-t-shirt-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164729.html
RM2YWA72H–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-fans-queue-at-teh-shop-to-buy-a-t-shirt-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164726.html
RM2YWA72E–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Fans queue at teh shop to buy a t-shirt - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Black Tortoise and Arhats, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-black-tortoise-and-arhats-2024-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164731.html
RM2YWA72K–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Black Tortoise and Arhats, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-rakuch-rakugai-zu-bybu-iwasa-matabei-rip-2023-24-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164728.html
RM2YWA72G–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-rakuch-rakugai-zu-bybu-iwasa-matabei-rip-2023-24-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164722.html
RM2YWA72A–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-rakuch-rakugai-zu-bybu-iwasa-matabei-rip-2023-24-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164713.html
RM2YWA721–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-rakuch-rakugai-zu-bybu-iwasa-matabei-rip-2023-24-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164724.html
RM2YWA72C–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-rakuch-rakugai-zu-bybu-iwasa-matabei-rip-2023-24-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164723.html
RM2YWA72B–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-rakuch-rakugai-zu-bybu-iwasa-matabei-rip-2023-24-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164727.html
RM2YWA72F–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-rakuch-rakugai-zu-bybu-iwasa-matabei-rip-2023-24-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164707.html
RM2YWA71R–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Rakuchū-Rakugai-zu Byōbu: Iwasa Matabei RIP, 2023-24 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-kaikai-kiki-style-karajishi-zu-bybu-2024-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164717.html
RM2YWA725–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-kaikai-kiki-style-karajishi-zu-bybu-2024-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164721.html
RM2YWA729–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-kaikai-kiki-style-karajishi-zu-bybu-2024-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164714.html
RM2YWA722–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Flaming Vermillion Bird, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-flaming-vermillion-bird-2024-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164704.html
RM2YWA71M–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Flaming Vermillion Bird, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-kaikai-kiki-style-karajishi-zu-bybu-2024-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164711.html
RM2YWA71Y–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamyimages.fr/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-10th-dec-2024-kaikai-kiki-style-karajishi-zu-bybu-2024-japanese-art-history-la-takashi-murakami-an-new-exhibition-by-takashi-murakami-his-largest-show-in-london-in-15-years-at-gagosian-grosvenor-hill-london-it-offers-his-own-reinterpretations-of-some-of-the-most-important-artworks-in-japanese-art-history-combining-ai-generated-images-with-hand-painted-elements-he-also-took-over-the-gagosian-gallery-shop-in-burlington-arcade-to-release-two-hundred-limited-edition-t-shirts-designed-by-the-artist-credit-guy-bellalamy-live-news-image635164705.html
RM2YWA71N–London, UK. 10th Dec, 2024. Kaikai Kiki Style “Karajishi-zu Byōbu”, 2024 - Japanese Art History à la Takashi Murakami an new exhibition by Takashi Murakami, his largest show in London in 15 years, at Gagosian Grosvenor Hill, London. It offers his own reinterpretations of some of the most important artworks in Japanese art history, combining AI-generated images with hand painted elements. He also took over the Gagosian Gallery Shop in Burlington Arcade to release two hundred limited-edition T-shirts designed by the artist. Credit: Guy Bell/Alamy Live News
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