. Poissons et gibier de Californie. Il peut-être que plus d'une espèce est trouvée dans cette large gamme, mais aucune n'a encore trouvé des caractères qui sont assez constants pour la séparer.il est connu comme le chub, ou le thimble eyed, ou le maquereau de bricotage sur la côte est. Il est un peu inférieur au vrai maquereau, mais neverthelessit est un bon et important poisson alimentaire, particulièrement bon grillé ou cuit, et l'attention est maintenant dirigée vers la mise en conserve, ou le saler en kits en bois comme l'est le maquereau est. Les quotas récents de la côte atlantique (début mai) indiquent ce poisson sous le nom de chinchard
2800 x 893 px | 23,7 x 7,6 cm | 9,3 x 3 inches | 300dpi
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. California fish and game . nia. It maybe that more than one species is found in this wide range, but no onehas as yet found any characters that are constant enough to separate it.It is known as the chub, or thimble eyed, or tinker mackerel on the Eastcoast. It is somewhat inferior to the true mackerel, but neverthelessit is a good and important food fish, particularly good broiled or baked, and attention is now being directed towards canning it, or salting it inwooden kits as the Eastern mackerel is. Recent Atlantic coast quota-tions (early May) list this fish under the name of tinker mackerel atfrom 28 cents to 35 cents a pound in the wholesale market. It retailsin California at 10 cents a j^ound. (The Spanish Mackerel (Scomberomorus sierra). The Spanish mackerel may be known by the long slender body, the teeth flattened and dagger-shaped, the spinous dorsal long and with little space between it and the second dorsal, and particularly by the spots on the side of the body. The maxillary reaches to below the hind. Fig. 64. The Spanish mackerel {Scomberomorus sierra). border of the eye. The length cf the head is equal to, or exceeds butlittle, the greatest depth of the body. It has 9 finlets behind the dorsaland the anal. The color is.silvery on the vside and lower parts anddark blue on the back. On the side are five or six rows of ellipticalspots of bluish or dull orange color. This fish is common on the Pacific coast of Mexico and has beenreported in some abundance oft San Diego. It is hoped that whenit is next seen within our waters its occurrence may be reported to theFish and Game Commission in San Francisco and if possible a speci-men saved. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME. 121 On the Atlantic coast is a Spanish mackerel that is very close to ours, if not identical with it, that is valued among the very best of foodfishes. The name Spanish mackerel has been applied to variousmackerel-like fishes, but this and the next are the only ones on ourcoast that should be so cal