. Radiographie élémentaire et dentaire . un molaire inférieur. Si cela est trueshe a quatorze dents contigalement absentes comme suit: Dans le jawhaut les dents manquantes sont les deux incisives latérales, le premier, le deuxième et le thirdmolaires sur le côté gauche, et le deuxième et le troisième molaires sur le côté droit. Dans la mâchoire inférieure, les dents manquantes sont la deuxième molaire bicuspide et les trois molaires du côté droit, et les deux molaires et la troisième molaron du côté gauche. Encore une fois, nous avons les latrines supérieures manquantes, et les mopids supérieurs présents. I5(^ RADIOGRAPHIE DENTAIRE dans cette bouche nous avons l'anomalie étrange de trois Mo
1419 x 1762 px | 24 x 29,8 cm | 9,5 x 11,7 inches | 150dpi
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. Elementary and dental radiography . one lower first molar. If this be trueshe has fourteen teeth congenitally absent as follows: In the upper jawthe missing teeth are the two lateral incisors, the first, second and thirdmolars on the left side, and the second and third molars on the rightside. In the lower jaw the missing teeth are the second bicuspid and allthree molars on the right side, and both bicuspids and the third molaron the left side. Again we have the upper laterals missing, and theupper cuspids present. i5(^ DENTAL RADIOGRAPHY In this mouth we have the strange anomaly of three molars missingfrom the upper jaw on the right side, and three molars missing fromthe lower jaw on the left side. Enumerated in full the absent molarswere all four of the third molars, three of the second molars and twoof the first molars. Fig. 134 is representative of a class of delayed eruption that ismost common. I could print as many as forty or more radiographs ofsuch cases. Fig. 123 was a beautiful example. The age of the patient. Fig. 134. Age of patient, fourteen. An unerupted malposed cuspid. No room for it in thedental arch. Observe the tipping of the lateral, which is probably due to the pressure of the cuspid against the apex of its root. in this particular case (Fig. 134) was some months over fourteen. Theradiograph was made for an orthodontist who was just beginning treat-ment of the case. There was no evidence of the presence of the cuspidand no room for it to erupt. When the arch was broadened and spacemade for it the cuspid erupted. It required some mechanical guidanceto make it come into its exactly proper position. The mere making of space for them in the arch will usually resultin the eruption of unerupted teeth, unless they are badly malposed. If, after space is made, the tooth does not move, the gum and process overit should be slit surgically. If this does not suffice to induce eruption, the soft parts and process must be cut away, and sometimes it may beneces