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White Star Liner RMS 'Olympic', entering the Musgrove Graving Dock, Belfast, April 1911. This was the first time the world's largest ship entered the world's largest graving dock, built between 1904-1911. 'Olympic' was launched by Harland and Wolff, Belfast, in 1910 and at 882 foot long and weighing 45, 000 tons, became the largest vessel then afloat. She was operated on the Atlantic service, between Britain and North America, from 1911 to 1914. Following the disaster of the 'Titanic', White Star Line sent 'Olympic' to Harland and Wolff for modifications - larger watertight doors and a double-skinned hull. From 1915 to 1918 'Olympic' gave service as a troop ship, then returned to work on the Atlantic service. She was retired and scrapped in 1935. 1911
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