Sac à main. Culture : Mexican. Date : 1800-1820. La construction de ce sac allie des perles et couture. Le motif d'agneau à l'aiguille revient souvent dans sacs perlés. La doublure, un 18e siècle Robe soie, peut-être français, est un exemple de la réutilisation des soieries robe précieux des périodes antérieures. Le motif de la Couronne peut avoir une certaine signification cérémonielle, possiblement liés au mariage. La bourse est une partie de la broderie perlée mexicain collection de plus de 600 pièces assemblées par Elizabeth Morrow (1873-1955), mère de l'écrivain Anne Morrow Lindbergh, l'épouse du célèbre aviateur Charles Lindbergh. Morrow collecte
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Purse. Culture: Mexican. Date: 1800-1820. The construction of this bag combines beadwork and needlework. The needlepoint lamb motif recurs frequently in beaded bags. The lining, an 18th-century dress silk, possibly French, is an example of the reuse of precious dress silks from earlier periods. The crown motif may have some ceremonial significance, possibly related to marriage. The purse is part of the Mexican beadwork collection of over 600 pieces assembled by Elizabeth Morrow (1873-1955), mother of writer Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the wife of renowned aviator Charles Lindbergh. Morrow collected the objects between 1927 and 1930, when her husband, Dwight Morrow, Sr., served as U.S. ambassador to Mexico. She lent the collection to the Brooklyn Museum in 1938 and upon her death, her children donated it. A collection of 155 pieces of Mexican ceramics and other decorative arts were given to Amherst College, her husband's alma mater. Mrs. Morrow collected Mexican beadwork, along with other examples of colonial and native arts, to decorate their country home in Cuernavaca in order to promote a more peaceful image of that country through its works. The Morrows sought to overturn the perception of post-revolutionary Mexico as a violent and unstable nation by highlighting the richness and diversity of its colonial, folk, and contemporary art. Glass beads were originally imported to New Spain (Mexico) from Italian and Asian sources via Spanish colonial trade routes. By the early part of the nineteenth century, Spain had suffered the loss of almost all of its colonies and with the succeeding establishment of free trade British ships undertook the importation of beads to Mexico. Many of the design influences on the bags and cases in the collection came from Europe; patterns for beadwork designs came from contemporary fashion publications such as "La Dama Elegante.". Museum: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.