Poppy, Shirley poppy, Papaver rhoeas Shirley series, Black & white, Annual, Biennial, Spring Flowering, Summer Flowering, Cottage garden plant, Crops, Herb, Wild flower, Edible, Medicinal uses, Culinary uses, Cosmetic and skincare uses, Sustainable plant, Plant, Manipulated, Cover image, Creative, Flower, Graphic, Illustrative, Nobody, One, Open, Studio shot, Stamen, Front View, Cut out, Side View, Monochrome, Beauty in nature, One year lifespan, Harvest, Ingredient, Nutritious, Eatable, Culinary, Bloom, Flowering, Flowers, Petals, Facing front, Facing forward, Visual, Designed, Creative, Ingredient, Flavour, Flavor, Culinary, Herbal, Alternative medicine, Alternative therapy, Medicine, Therapy, Complementary medicine, Holistic, Natural medicine, Unconventional medicine, Medicinal qualities, Wellbeing, Healing, Alternative treatment, Healthcare and medicine, Medicinal, Remedy, Treatment, Pictorial, Altered, Changed, Digitally enhanced, Photoshop, Single colour, Monotone, Single tone, Single color, No-one, Single, Singular, Individual, 1, Solo, Sole, Side shot, Side angle, Side-on, Wildflower, Spring flowers, Summer flowers, Not invasive, Pest tolerant, Low maintenance,