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This image shows an Almarai logo in Cairo, Egypt, on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Fondomonte Arizona, a subsidiary of Almarai Co., has for nearly a decade grown alfalfa in the American Southwest that is sent to the Gulf kingdom to feed cows there. Arizona rescinded a pair of drilling permits that would have allowed Fondomonte to pump up to 3,000 gallons of water per minute to irrigate its forage crops. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil)

This image shows an Almarai logo in Cairo, Egypt, on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. Fondomonte Arizona, a subsidiary of Almarai Co., has for nearly a decade grown alfalfa in the American Southwest that is sent to the Gulf kingdom to feed cows there. Arizona rescinded a pair of drilling permits that would have allowed Fondomonte to pump up to 3,000 gallons of water per minute to irrigate its forage crops. (AP Photo/Amr Nabil) Banque D'Images

Détails de l'image


Associated Press / Alamy Banque D'Images

ID de l’image:


Taille du fichier:

142,4 MB (2,5 MB Téléchargement compressé)


Modèle - non | Propriété - nonUne autorisation est-elle nécessaire?


8640 x 5760 px | 73,2 x 48,8 cm | 28,8 x 19,2 inches | 300dpi

Date de la prise de vue:

26 avril 2023


Amr Nabil

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Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.

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