A complex of halo phenomena on the evening of April 15, 2022, Good Friday of the 2022 Easter weekend, around the almost full moon. Ice crystals in the high cloud created the halos and arcs, set in the spring night sky, with the Big Dipper at top, Arcturus to the left, and Regulus and Leo at right. The colours of the arcs and sundogs were just visible to the unaided eye. Visible are: - The 22 degree halo - A large partial halo that looks like a 46 degree halo but is actually a supralateral arc. - A pair of paraselene (called parhelia when they are around the Sun) or colourful 'moondogs' sit on either side of the moon just outside the 22 degree halo. - The top of the 22 degree halo has a colourful upper tangent arc plus a faint Parry arc. -Â Tangent to the supralateral arc is a rainbow-hued circumzenithal arc. -Â A paraselenic (?) circle (called a parhelic circle when it is created by the Sun) runs parallel to the horizon through the moondogs and moon. -Â A faint and wide vertical light pillar also runs through the moon up to the top arcs.
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