. Le génie ferroviaire et de locomotive : un journal pratique de la force motrice ferroviaire et du matériel roulant . ver thesimple locomotive pour le service tochhich cette compagnie a assigné sera trouvé dans la comparaison suivante illustration des essais de service dans un pays mountainous, et qui endosse pleinement la sagesse de l'action de ce com-panys exécutif qui a déjà investi-ed des millions dans les moteurs composés et isstill acheter plus. Pour obtenir une base fiable de comparai-son il y avait un simple moteur comme-signé dans le service de pool parmi un nombre de composés comme dans le test ci-dessus, et précis dat
1825 x 1369 px | 30,9 x 23,2 cm | 12,2 x 9,1 inches | 150dpi
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. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . ver thesimple locomotive for the service towhich this company has assigned themwill be found in the following comparisonor illustration of service tests in a moun-tainous country, and which fully endorsesthe wisdom of the action of that com-panys executive who has already invest-ed millions in compound engines and isstill buying more. To secure a reliable basis of compari-son there was one simple engine as-signed in pool service among a numberof compounds as in the above test, andaccurate data of performance and costkept for a period of six months, the testsbeing on grades of 78 to 95 ft. to themile, consequently much drifting. The(Continued on page zgi.) 278 RAILWAY AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERING June, 1906. CaC, +H, 0 = CH=+CaO. The formula given above is not usedin mathematics, though it almost looksas if it might be. The letters and fig-ures are intended to express a chemicalreaction and when translated, they read:Calcium carbide plus water, gives ace-tylene and slacked lime. One of the. G0.4T MOUNTAIN FROM BA NFF-CAN.^DIANPACIFIC RAILWAY. places where they cause this chemicaltransformation to take place lor commer-cial purposes is at the Hoboken yardsof the Lackawanna Railroad. Acetyleneis used for lighting trains on the dustlessroad of anthracite, and it can also beused for a shop illuminant. The D., L.& W. have a neat little generating plantcapable of supplying gas for about 75ato 1, 000 cars a month, and the way thatthey do it is this: In a neat little two-story building thereare a couple of generators which arelarge circular tanks, filled with water, and from a hopper above containingwhat the man calls carbide, the op-erator is able to drop what amounts toa good sized handful at .a time. Whenthe calcium carbide drops into the water, acetylene gas is given off, and it raisesin large bubbles to the surface and isconveyed through suitable pipes to agasometer capable o