. Oiseaux terrestres du nord de New York : guide de poche des oiseaux terrestres communs de la vallée du Saint-Laurent et des basses terres en général du nord de New York. Voir frontispiece). FE-mâle—parties supérieure vert olive; ailes et noirâtre; sous les parties jaune verdâtre. EST le mâle est le plus magnifique de nos oiseaux communs. Habite les bois et les bosquets d'érable, oakand ainsi de suite. Un morceau fort et riche : sa couleur exprime inmusic. 662. Paruline noire—Dendroica fusca. Plus petit que le rang étroit ; longueur SLA pouces. Mâle—divers patchs et bandes orange, jaune, blanc (voir frontispice). Femme, comme le thème dans le motif de couleur
1726 x 1448 px | 29,2 x 24,5 cm | 11,5 x 9,7 inches | 150dpi
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. Land birds of northern New York : a pocket guide to common land birds of the St. Lawrence Valley and the lowlands in general of northern New York . see frontispiece). Fe-male—Upper parts olive-green; wings and tailblackish; under parts greenish yellow. IS The male is the most gorgeous of our commonbirds. Inhabits woods and groves of maple, oakand so on. Song loud, rich—his color expressed inmusic. 662. Blackburnian Warbler—Dendroica fusca. Smaller than sparrow; length slA inches. Male—Various patches and stripes of orange, yellow, white (see frontispiece). Female—Like themale in color-pattern, but paler in general, lesswhite on wings and tail. Mingles with other warblers in the budding treesof spring; stands out as one of the most beautifulof them. 687. Redstart—Setophaga ruticilla. Smaller than sparrow; length 5^2 inches. Male—Orange, black and white (see frontis-piece). Female—Color-pattern like male; but yel-low instead of salmon, head grayish; back greenishgray. Inhabits leafy woods. Song like that of commonyellow warbler. A summer resident. The male isone of the most beautiful of our birds. 19 GROUP 2—YELLOW. Goldfinch (Male in Winter Plumage) 529. Goldfinch—Astragalinus tristis frisfis. Small sparrow-size; length 5^5 inches. Male—Body bright yellow; top of head, wingsand tail black, the wings barred and trimmed withwhite; white on inside of tail. Female—Generalcolor-pattern, except top of head, similar to male;upper parts yellowish brown; under parts dullyellow; wings less black than in male. Male inwinter resembles female. Flies in long, sweeping undulations, utteringsweet call-notes; song very sweet, canary-like.Found in open places; feeds on thistle seeds, sun-flower seeds and so on. 628. Yellow-throated Vireo—Lanivereo Fla-vi-frons. Sparrow-size; length 6 inches. 20 Breast, throat and around eye bright yellow;upperparts bright olive-green, becoming gray to-wards tail; two white bars on wing; inner wingfeathers edged with white; b