. Train et train de locomotives : un journal pratique de force motrice ferroviaire et de matériel roulant . nnial Exposi-tion dans son propre pays, où son firmeu de nombreuses expositions, mais il a gagné la dis-tinction à l'étranger. Lors de la Foire internationale de Vienne de 1873, son cabinet a reçu la distinction la plus élevée et a été le bénéficiaire d'un diplôme d'honneur. En 1889, son firmreçut le Grand Prix et les médaillés pour leur exposition d'excellents machinetools, et M. Sellers fut fait Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur. Hepas est depuis de nombreuses années directeur de Philadelphie & Reading et de Philadelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore 86 RAIL
1950 x 1281 px | 33 x 21,7 cm | 13 x 8,5 inches | 150dpi
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Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.
. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . nnial Exposi-tion in his own land, where his firmhad extensive exhibits, but he won dis-tinction abroad. At the Vienna WorldsFair of 1873 his firm received the high-est distinction and were the recipientsof a diploma of honor. In 1889 his firmreceived the Grand Prix and medalsfor their exhibit of excellent machinetools, and Mr. Sellers was made aChevalier of the Legion of Honor. Hewas for many years a director of thePhiladelphia & Reading and of thePhiladelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore 86 RAILWAY AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERING February. igo5. Railroad. In 1868 he was made a trus- Steel. Side Door Passenger Car. tee of the University of Pennsylvania, The steel-frame side door car here he was also elected a member of the illustrated is used on the Illinois Cen- National Academy of Sciences, and tral Railroad, and is adaptable for su- next year he became a corresponding burban, interurban, elevated or subway member of the Paris Societe dencour- service, and its advantages are the same. VESTIBULE OF .STEEI, SIDE DOOR PASSENGER CARS. agement pour ITndustric National. Hedied at the advanced age of 81. honoredand revered alike at home and abroad. Had No Use for Orange Color. Did you hear how Murphy spoiledhis chance of getting an engine? in-quired one railroad man of another. whether the motive power be steam orelectricity. Its interior is arranged witha row of bench-form seats, so placed insections across the width of the car asto leave side and end aisles followingthe walls around the entire interior, andsection aisles between each group ofseats; thus providing for an expeditious entered by these side doors from ai)elevated platform the height of the carHoor, the passenger has at the least totake but a few steps from the platform toany of the eight seats directly in frontof him that may be vacant, or at themost, in case the opposite seats are full, has the means of readily ge